Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Tahoe Part I

We went to a place called Tahoe this past weekend. It's a place like the ocean, but really high up. That kind of confused me. I thought water went to low places. Anyway.

There were a lot of stuff to do. When we got there, I saw the biggest rocks I've ever seen! They were so much fun to climb up and down!

I did a lot of fun stuff this past weekend, and will update accordingly!

This sure was a big rock, but it was no match for me. I made it to the top in no time!

Here is me looking sharp as I gaze into the distance. I was definitely looking at something good, but I can't remember what.

Some of these rocks are tricky to navigate through!
Can't beat the view up here!

1 comment:

  1. I just say this post now. What'd you think about Tahoe? We slept in a tent there once. Dutch ahted it but I thought it was the coolest.

    Did you get to sleep in a tent??

    Was good to finally get a chance to sniff your butt in person. Thank your dad for helping me and my gimpy foot back to the car!
